Legal Notice

Company Name: Schifffahrt am Wolfgangsee GmbH
Company Address: Brunnleitweg 32, 5340 St. Gilgen, Österreich

Business Purpose: Boat Tours
UID-Number: ATU62357924
Company register number: 240274w
Commercial register court: Landesgericht Salzburg

Phone: +43 664 55 47 431

Member of: WKO Salzburg
Commercial Regulation: Gewerbeordnung:

Authority comm. Austrian E-Commerce Act: Amt der Salzburger Landesregierung
Professional Designation: Schifffahrtsunternehmen
Awarding State: Austria

Managing Director:

Monika Ratz
Online Dispute Resolution
Consumers have the option to direct complaints to the ODR-Platform of the European Commission at

You also may direct complaints to the e-mail address listed above.
Please note that we are not obligated to take part in the dispute resolution procedure.

Legal Disclaimer

The media owner of this Site is Schifffahrt am Wolfgangsee GmbH. As such we are responsible for the content of this Site.
This website is for the purpose of self-presentation only.
We prepare the content of this site with care, but assume no liability for the accuracy and completeness of the information presented here.
This of course does not affect the obligation to remove illegal information by judicial or official order.
If you discover illegal or problematic content in connection with our website, please contact us immediately.

References and Links

This website contains links to websites set up by third parties.

We have no control over these websites and the information, goods or services offered there.
We therefore accept no responsibility whatsoever, on whatever legal grounds, for the content of third-party websites.

Image Copyrights

Images and pictures on this Site are protected by copyright.
Rights are with: Photographer Veronika Scharinger.
Copyright notice
All contents of this website are subject to copyright.
We reserve the right to take legal action against unauthorized use of the contents of our site.
If you find content on our website that infringes copyright, please contact us.